Ivan Pavlov Classical Conditional Theory
Classical Conditional Theory This theory was given by a Russian Psychologist Ivan Pavlov, who won Noble Prize in 1904 for his work .his theory is also known as – 1. Pavlov Conditioned Response Theory 2. Classical Condition Theory of Learning 3. Learning by Complex Reflex Principle of Classical Theory He believed that the Unconditioned Stimulus (US) would originally produced Uncondtioned Reaponse ( UR). Through his theory he want to explain how an organisms behaviour (response) become paired with some stimulus in the environment. 1. 1.For Unconditioned Stimulus (food) naturally Unconditioned Response ( saliva) produced, this response is reffered as natural reflex action. 2. Pairing Unconditioned Stimulus (US-food) with Conditioned Stimulus ( CS-bell) ,Unconditioned Response (UR- saliva) produced. ...