
Two Factor Theory of Intelligence // Group Factor Theory//

    Two Factor Theory of Intelligence Charles Spearman This theory is propounded by Britain psychologist Charles Spearman in 1904 based on Factor Analysis Technology. This theory is also know as “ Eclectic Factor Theory” According to Charles Spearman's Intelligence abilities of a person can be divided into two factors: 1. General Factor (G-factor) a.      It is innate. b.     It is constant. c.       It is Universal. d.     It cannot be modified by learning.   e.      It is not based on passed experiences. f.        It is differ from individual to individual. g.      No cognitive activities can be performed without its involvement h.     It is involve in all activities and also accounts for its success.   2. Specific factor (s-factor) a.      It ...


KOHLBERG’S  THEORY OF MORAL DEVELOPMENT   Kohlberg's theory was about moral development ( initiated by Piaget) and is based on Heinz Dilemma which describes about few terms, these are following: Heinz Dilemma 1 )   Moral Rea lism : Rule are fixed / rigid i.e. if it is break then punishment will be get. 2)   Moral Cooperation : If your indention is perfect or right then you can break the rule for example  Ambulance passed as its intension is true. 3)   Moral Dilemma : The term dilemma itself means confusion between right and wrong i.e. no moral choice is right . 4)   Moral reasoning ( justice ) : Thinking process(logical) involved in the judgement of question of  right and wrong. ·        According to him-  moral development follows squential development      The school play...

Jean Piaget Theory of Cognitive development

Jean Piaget   Theory of Cognitive development Jean Piaget Before going to learn about jean Piaget theory   we have to understand the meaning of the term cognition. Cognition (Anubhuti):   It means using mental afford in reasoning , perceiving , evaluate, judging,   learning and remembering . ·        Piaget theory explain about how the mental development take place from infancy to adulthood. ·        We also have misconception that adult are more intelligent than children but this is totally wrong, even the children possess same intelligence like adult but they think differently. ·        Piaget also explain that Heredity(biological maturation) and environment play a vital role   in mental development . ·        By heredity means static genes suppose if your parents are intelligent then there is a lot of changes that you wil...